miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018


Spiderwebs come in many shapes and sizes. Each type is so typical of a certain spider that experts know which spider made a certain web without seeing the spider. The orb web is the best known of all spiderwebs. It can catch large, powerful prey, such as locusts, beetles, and wasps. Some spiders  weave in bold patterns. For example, they might make zigzags and spirals. These patterns help keep the web stable. Some scientists believe that the patterns also help birds avoid flying into the webs.
Orb webs like the one in the video are built with different thicknesses and strengths of silk. The framework includes dry threads that come out from the center like spokes on a wheel. These give the web strength. The circular threads are sticky and stretchy. They trap fast-moving insects and also make the web flexible in wind and rain.